Living With Bipolar Disorder

While there is a lot that you can learn about bipolar disorder by looking up information online and reading about symptoms, there’s a lot more to it than that. Every diagnosis is different. After all, everyone that gets diagnosed is looking to achieve their optimal state of well-being. That’s why here at PCH, we find it much more realistic to look at bipolar behavior as something that has an ongoing effect on one’s life. By the end of this article, you will know exactly how this disorder can impact one’s life. Before going into the article you may want to learn about the latest spinal cord injury news if you or someone you know suffers with spinal injuries.
Key Areas:
- Regulation of mood
- Relationships
- Work
- Hobbies
- Eating
- Sleep
- Drug use
- Physical activity
Mood Regulation
Because bipolar disorder is primarily something that affects one’s mood, mood regulation is typically one of the biggest ways it can impact one’s life. Anyone that is diagnosed with bipolar disorder could find themselves constantly in a state of flux when it comes to their mood. They could be manic one week and then depressive the next. Those with bipolar disorder tend to swing between the two extremes known as manic and depressive episodes. These episodes can be short or long depending on the type of bipolar disorder you have. You can find that you are feeling some type of way one minute and then the opposite the next.
A manic episode is typically associated with feeling very good about yourself. Usually, the person has a lot of energy, is very talkative, and makes poor decisions. Whereas, on the other side of the coin, a depressive episode is usually denied by sadness and feelings of being hopeless. The person typically doesn’t have a lot of energy and they aren’t able to focus on a task.
Because these things can flip like a switch and it’s so unpredictable, it can be challenging to live with bipolar disorder. After all, you can go to sleep in one state and then wake up in the complete opposite state. They don’t have the kind of control over their mood as those without the disorder.
This is one of the biggest areas where bipolar disorder can take a toll. It can impact those around the person living with bipolar disorder just as much (if not more). After all, you could be living with someone that is happy one minute and then sad the next. It can be very unpredictable to know what mood they are going to be in. This can make it difficult to sustain a relationship when you suffer from bipolar disorder. You need someone supportive and someone that can help you go through the episodes you have. This is also why it’s so important to be transparent with your loved ones and to reach out for help if you need it.
Work and Employment
This is another area where a person with bipolar disorder could be negatively impacted. Those that suffer from bipolar disorder could find themselves completely on-task and focused one day and then completely disinterested the next. This can make it incredibly difficult to maintain a steady job because you aren’t likely to be doing well if you are constantly switching between the two. Likewise, it’s likely not easy to stay focused on your career path when you are going from episode to episode. It can make it difficult to go to work every day and maintain the motivation and concentration needed to succeed.
Your sleep is another major way bipolar disorder can impact your life. Having abnormal sleep patterns is typically one of the more defining symptoms of this disorder. When you are going through a manic episode, it could help propel you to high energy levels even if you aren’t getting a lot of sleep. It could feel as though you don’t even need it. However, if you are going through a depressive episode, you may not even be able to get out of bed even if you get sufficient sleep. Those going through this will typically also suffer from insomnia.